Investisseur TV

Wine in Block: digital tracking of wine bottles

· Médias

The video entitled "Wine In Block: digital tracing of wine bottles" presents the wine traceability solution based on blockchain technology from French start-up Wine In Block.

The video begins by introducing Wine In Block. The company was founded in 2020 by Sylvie Busca, an expert in wine and new technologies. Wine In Block offers a wine traceability solution based on blockchain technology.

The video goes on to explain how the Wine In Block solution works. An NFT token is associated with each bottle of wine. The token contains information about the wine, such as its provenance, vintage and serial number.

The video then presents the advantages of the Wine In Block solution. The solution makes it possible to guarantee the authenticity of wines, combat counterfeiting and improve the transparency of the wine market.

The video concludes by emphasising that the Wine In Block solution has the potential to revolutionise the wine market. The solution offers new possibilities for guaranteeing the authenticity of wines, combating counterfeiting and improving the transparency of the wine market.