Strategies Magazine

Web3, five cases beyond the virtual

· Médias

Ferdinand Kerssenbrock | Stratégies magazine | 26 avril 2023 26/04/2023

Web3, five cases beyond the virtual

After 2022, a year marked by NFT drops that were more geared towards testing or creating a buzz, companies are starting to bring the first Web3 application use cases to market. We take a closer look at five emblematic cases:

1. PMU's NFT Stables take it out of the paddock (...)

2. Wiztrust authenticates financial press releases (...)

3. Wine in Block tracks and monitors wines via blockchain:

Combating counterfeiting (estimated losses of €2.4 billion), ensuring traceability (at a time when the secondary market is growing), guaranteeing the quality of storage or transport conditions and, last but not least, recreating the link between wineries and consumers: these are the major challenges facing the wine sector, for which the start-up Wine in Block has developed blockchain-based solutions. The company, founded in 2020, offers NFC tags for bottles and a Qwib box for cases containing the wine's digital passport. The tag assigns a unique and unforgeable digital identity

The Qwib box triggers an alarm if the case is in an environment that does not comply with the temperature or humidity ranges defined by the producer. The information is read using a simple smartphone application. Wine in Block has also developed NFTs for wineries to ensure the transfer of ownership of a bottle, without it necessarily changing hands, and to enable them to receive a percentage of the resale price. "Of course, our technology is based on the greenest blockchain on the market", says Sylvie Busca, co-founder and CEO of Wine in Block.

4. Mira, a virtual HD world that secures the digital twins of (...)

5. L'Humanité to have its own decentralised newsroom (...)